sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.45

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.45

5. Ādittavagga
5. On Fire


Perfect Peerless

“Anomanāmaṁ nipuṇatthadassiṁ,
A devatā: “Behold him of perfect name, The seer of the subtle goal,
Behold him of peerless name <j>who sees the subtle meaning,

Paññādadaṁ kāmālaye asattaṁ;
The giver of wisdom, unattached To the lair of sensual pleasures.
giver of wisdom, <j>unattached to the realm of sensuality:

Taṁ passatha sabbaviduṁ sumedhaṁ,
Behold the wise one, all-knowing,
the all-knower, so very intelligent,

Ariye pathe kamamānaṁ mahesin”ti.
The great seer treading the noble path. ”
the great seer treading the noble road.”