sutta » sn » sn1 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 1.80

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 1.80

8. Chetvāvagga
8. Incinerated


Source of Light Lamp

“Kiṁsu lokasmi pajjoto,
“What is the source of light in the world?
“What’s the lamp for the world?

kiṁsu lokasmi jāgaro;
What in the world is the wakeful one?
What in the world is wakeful?

Kiṁsu kamme sajīvānaṁ,
What are the colleagues of those living by work?
Who are one’s work colleagues?

kimassa iriyāpatho.
What is one’s course of movement?
What is one’s walk of life?

Kiṁsu alasaṁ analasañca,
“What nurtures both the slack and active
What nurtures the idle and the tireless,

Mātā puttaṁva posati;
Just as a mother nurtures her child?
like a mother her child?

Kiṁ bhūtā upajīvanti,
The creatures who dwell on the earth—
By what do the creatures who live off the earth

Ye pāṇā pathavissitā”ti.
By what do they sustain their life?”
sustain their life?”

“Paññā lokasmi pajjoto,
“Wisdom is the source of light in the world;
“Wisdom is the lamp for the world.

sati lokasmi jāgaro;
Mindfulness, in the world, is the wakeful one;
Mindfulness in the world is wakeful.

Gāvo kamme sajīvānaṁ,
Cattle are the colleagues of those living by work;
Cattle are one’s work colleagues,

sītassa iriyāpatho.
One’s course of movement is the furrow.
and the furrow is one’s walk of life.

Vuṭṭhi alasaṁ analasañca,
“Rain nurtures both the slack and active
Rain nurtures the idle and the tireless,

Mātā puttaṁva posati;
Just as a mother nurtures her child.
like a mother her child.

Vuṭṭhiṁ bhūtā upajīvanti,
Those creatures who dwell on the earth
The creatures who live on the earth

Ye pāṇā pathavissitā”ti.
Sustain their life by rain. ”
sustain their life by rain.”