sutta » sn » sn2 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 2.12

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 2.12

2. Anāthapiṇḍikavagga
2. With Anāthapiṇḍika


Veṇhu With Vishnu

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho veṇḍu devaputto bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:
At Sāvatthī. Standing to one side, the young deva Veṇhu recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
Standing to one side, the god Vishnu recited this verse in the Buddha’s presence:

“Sukhitāva te manujā,
“Happy indeed are those human beings
“Happy are the children of Manu

sugataṁ payirupāsiya;
Attending on the Fortunate One,
who pay homage to the Holy One!

Yuñjaṁ gotamasāsane,
Applying themselves to Gotama’s Teaching,
They apply themselves to Gotama’s instructions,

appamattā nu sikkhare”ti.
Who train in it with diligence.”
diligently training.”

“Ye me pavutte siṭṭhipade,
“When the course of teaching is proclaimed by me,
“Those who practice absorption <j>in accord with the training”,

(veṇḍūti bhagavā)
[O Veṇhu, ” said the Blessed One, ]
said the Buddha to Vishnu,

Anusikkhanti jhāyino;
“Those meditators who train therein,
“in the way of teaching I’ve proclaimed,

Kāle te appamajjantā,
Being diligent at the proper time,
they’re in time to be diligent;

Na maccuvasagā siyun”ti.
Will not come under Death’s control. ”
they won’t fall under the sway of Death.”