sutta » sn » sn2 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 2.17

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 2.17

2. Anāthapiṇḍikavagga
2. With Anāthapiṇḍika


Subrahmā With Subrahmā

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho subrahmā devaputto bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
Standing to one side, the young deva Subrahmā addressed the Blessed One in verse:
Standing to one side, the god Subrahmā addressed the Buddha in verse:

“Niccaṁ utrastamidaṁ cittaṁ,
“Always frightened is this mind,
“This mind is always anxious,

niccaṁ ubbiggamidaṁ mano;
The mind is always agitated
this mind is always stressed

Anuppannesu kicchesu,
About unarisen problems
about stresses that haven’t arisen

atho uppatitesu ca;
And about arisen ones.
and those that have.

Sace atthi anutrastaṁ,
If there exists release from fear,
If there is a state free of anxiety,

taṁ me akkhāhi pucchito”ti.
Being asked, please declare it to me.”
please answer my question.”

“Nāññatra bojjhā tapasā,
“Not apart from enlightenment and austerity,
“Not without understanding and fervor,

Not apart from restraint of the sense faculties,
not without restraining the sense faculties,

Nāññatra sabbanissaggā,
Not apart from relinquishing all,
not without letting go of everything,

sotthiṁ passāmi pāṇinan”ti.
Do I see any safety for living beings.”
do I see safety for living creatures.”

Idamavoca …pe…
This is what the Blessed One said…
That is what the Buddha said. …

He [the young deva] disappeared right there.
The god vanished right there.