sutta » sn » sn3 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 3.7

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 3.7

1. Paṭhamavagga
1. Shackles


The Judgement Hall Judgment

At Sāvatthī.
At Sāvatthī.

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho rājā pasenadi kosalo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One:
Seated to one side, King Pasenadi said to the Buddha,

“idhāhaṁ, bhante, aḍḍakaraṇe nisinno passāmi khattiyamahāsālepi brāhmaṇamahāsālepi gahapatimahāsālepi aḍḍhe mahaddhane mahābhoge pahūtajātarūparajate pahūtavittūpakaraṇe pahūtadhanadhaññe kāmahetu kāmanidānaṁ kāmādhikaraṇaṁ sampajānamusā bhāsante.
“Here, venerable sir, when I am sitting in the judgement hall, I see even affluent khattiyas, affluent brahmins, and affluent householders—rich, with great wealth and property, with abundant gold and silver, abundant treasures and commodities, abundant wealth and grain—speaking deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures, with sensual pleasures as the cause, on account of sensual pleasures.
“Sir, when I’m sitting in judgment I see well-to-do aristocrats, brahmins, and householders—rich, affluent, and wealthy, with lots of gold and silver, lots of property and assets, and lots of money and grain. But they tell deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures.

Tassa mayhaṁ, bhante, etadahosi:
Then, venerable sir, it occurs to me:
Then it occurred to me:

‘alaṁ dāni me aḍḍakaraṇena, bhadramukho dāni aḍḍakaraṇena paññāyissatī’”ti.
‘I’ve had enough now with the judgement hall! Now it is Good Face who will be known by his judgements. ’”
‘Enough with passing judgment today. Now my dearest will be known by the judgments he makes.’”

“Evametaṁ, mahārāja, evametaṁ, mahārāja.
“So it is, great king! So it is, great king!
“That’s so true, great king! That’s so true!

Yepi te, mahārāja, khattiyamahāsālā brāhmaṇamahāsālā gahapatimahāsālā aḍḍhā mahaddhanā mahābhogā pahūtajātarūparajatā pahūtavittūpakaraṇā pahūtadhanadhaññā kāmahetu kāmanidānaṁ kāmādhikaraṇaṁ sampajānamusā bhāsanti;
Even affluent khattiyas, affluent brahmins, and affluent householders … speak deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures, with sensual pleasures as the cause, on account of sensual pleasures.
Those who are well-to-do aristocrats, brahmins, and householders tell deliberate lies for the sake of sensual pleasures.

tesaṁ taṁ bhavissati dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti.
That will lead to their harm and suffering for a long time to come.
That is for their lasting harm and suffering.”

Idamavoca …pe…
That is what the Buddha said. …

“Sārattā kāmabhogesu,
“Enamoured with their pleasures and wealth,
“Full of desire for possessions and pleasures,

giddhā kāmesu mucchitā;
Greedy, dazed by sensual pleasures,
greedy, infatuated by sensual pleasures;

Atisāraṁ na bujjhanti,
They do not realize they have gone too far
they don’t notice that they’ve gone too far,

macchā khippaṁva oḍḍitaṁ;
Like fish that enter the net spread out.
like fish entering a net set out.

Pacchāsaṁ kaṭukaṁ hoti,
Afterwards the bitter fruit is theirs,
It’ll be bitter later on;

vipāko hissa pāpako”ti.
For bad indeed is the result. ”
for the result will be bad for them.”