sutta » sn » sn10 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 10.5

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 10.5

1. Indakavagga
1. With Indaka


With Sānu

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena aññatarissā upāsikāya sānu nāma putto yakkhena gahito hoti.
Now on that occasion a certain female lay follower had a son named Sānu who had been possessed by a yakkha.
Now at that time a certain lay woman had a son named Sānu who had been possessed by a native spirit.

Atha kho sā upāsikā paridevamānā tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imā gāthāyo abhāsi:
Then that female lay follower, lamenting, on that occasion recited these verses:
And as that lay woman wept, on that occasion she recited these verses:

“Cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ,
On the fourteenth or fifteenth,
“I have heard this from the perfected ones.

yā ca pakkhassa aṭṭhamī;
And on the eighths of the fortnight,
The native spirits will not mess with anyone

And during special periods
who leads the spiritual life

Complete in eight factors
by observing the sabbath

Uposathaṁ upavasanti,
Who observe the Uposatha days,
complete in all eight factors

brahmacariyaṁ caranti ye;
With those who lead the holy life,
on the fourteenth and the fifteenth days,

Na tehi yakkhā kīḷanti,
The yakkhas do not sport around
and the eighth day of the fortnight,

iti me arahataṁ sutaṁ;
So I have heard from the arahants.
as well as on the fortnight of special displays.

Sā dāni ajja passāmi,
But now today I see for myself
But now today I see

yakkhā kīḷanti sānunā”ti.
The yakkhas sporting with Sānu.
native spirits messing with Sānu.”

“Cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ,
On the fourteenth or fifteenth,
“What you heard from the perfected ones is right.

yā ca pakkhassa aṭṭhamī;
And on the eighths of the fortnight,
The native spirits will not mess with anyone

And during special periods
who leads the spiritual life

Complete in eight factors
by observing the sabbath

Uposathaṁ upavasanti,
Who observe the Uposatha days
complete in all eight factors

brahmacariyaṁ caranti ye.
With those who lead the holy life
on the fourteenth and the fifteenth days,

Na tehi yakkhā kīḷanti,
The yakkhas do not sport around
and the eighth day of the fortnight,

sāhu te arahataṁ sutaṁ;
“What you heard from the arahants is good.
as well as on the fortnight of special displays.

Sānuṁ pabuddhaṁ vajjāsi,
When Sānu has awakened tell him
When Sānu regains consciousness tell him

yakkhānaṁ vacanaṁ idaṁ;
This injunction of the yakkhas:
this saying of the native spirits:

Mākāsi pāpakaṁ kammaṁ,
Do not do an evil deed
Don’t do bad deeds

āvi vā yadi vā raho.
Either openly or in secret
either openly or in secret.

Sace ca pāpakaṁ kammaṁ,
If you should do an evil deed,
If you should do a bad deed,

karissasi karosi vā;
Or if you are doing one now
or you’re doing one now,

Na te dukkhā pamutyatthi,
You won’t be free from suffering
you won’t be freed from suffering,

uppaccāpi palāyato”ti.
Though you fly up and flee
though you fly away and flee.”

“Mataṁ vā amma rodanti,
They weep, mother, for the dead
“Mum, they cry for the dead,

yo vā jīvaṁ na dissati;
Or for one living who isn’t seen
or for one who’s alive but has disappeared.

Jīvantaṁ amma passantī,
When you see, mother, that I’m alive
I’m alive and you can see me,

kasmā maṁ amma rodasī”ti.
Why, O mother, do you weep for me?
so mum, why do you weep for me?”

“Mataṁ vā putta rodanti,
They weep, O son, for the dead
“Son, they cry for the dead,

yo vā jīvaṁ na dissati;
Or for one living who isn’t seen
or for one who’s alive but has disappeared.

Yo ca kāme cajitvāna,
After renouncing sensual pleasures
But someone who has given up sensual pleasures

punarāgacchate idha;
But when one returns to the home life
only to come back here again:

Taṁ vāpi putta rodanti,
They weep for this one too, my son
they cry for them as well,

puna jīvaṁ mato hi so.
For though alive he’s really dead.
for though still alive they’re really dead.

Kukkuḷā ubbhato tāta,
Drawn out, my dear, from hot embers
My dear, you’ve been rescued from hot coals,

kukkuḷaṁ patitumicchasi;
You wish to plunge into hot embers
and you want to plunge right back in them!

Narakā ubbhato tāta,
Drawn out, my dear, from an inferno
My dear, you’ve been rescued from the abyss,

narakaṁ patitumicchasi.
You wish to plunge into an inferno
and you want to plunge right back there!

Abhidhāvatha bhaddante,
Run forward, good luck be with you!
Keep pushing forward, it’s what’s best for you!

kassa ujjhāpayāmase;
To whom could we voice our grief?
Who have I got to complain to?

Ādittā nīhataṁ bhaṇḍaṁ,
Being an item rescued from the fire
When your things have been saved from a fire,

puna ḍayhitumicchasī”ti.
You wish to be burnt again.
would you want them to be burnt again?”