sutta » sn » sn11 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 11.16

Translators: sujato and bodhi

Linked Discourses 11.16

2. Dutiyavagga
Chapter Two


Bestowing Alms Sponsoring Sacrifice

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā rājagahe viharati gijjhakūṭe pabbate.
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rājagaha on Mount Vulture Peak.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, on the Vulture’s Peak Mountain.

Atha kho sakko devānamindo yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi.
Then Sakka, lord of the devas, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and stood to one side. Standing to one side,
And then Sakka, lord of gods, went up to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side,

Ekamantaṁ ṭhito kho sakko devānamindo bhagavantaṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
he addressed the Blessed One in verse:
and addressed him in verse:

“Yajamānānaṁ manussānaṁ,
“For those people who bestow alms,
“For humans, those merit-seeking creatures,

puññapekkhāna pāṇinaṁ;
For living beings in quest of merit,
who sponsor sacrifices,

Karotaṁ opadhikaṁ puññaṁ,
Performing merit of the mundane type,
making worldly merit,

kattha dinnaṁ mahapphalan”ti.
Where does a gift bear great fruit?”
where is a gift very fruitful?”

“Cattāro ca paṭipannā,
“The four practising the way
“Four practicing the path,

cattāro ca phale ṭhitā;
And the four established in the fruit:
and four established in the fruit.

Esa saṅgho ujubhūto,
This is the Saṅgha of upright conduct
This is the upright Saṅgha,

Endowed with wisdom and virtue.
with wisdom, ethics, and immersion.

Yajamānānaṁ manussānaṁ,
For those people who bestow alms,
For humans, those merit-seeking creatures,

Puññapekkhāna pāṇinaṁ;
For living beings in quest of merit,
who sponsor sacrifices,

Karotaṁ opadhikaṁ puññaṁ,
Performing merit of the mundane type,
making worldly merit,

Saṅghe dinnaṁ mahapphalan”ti.
A gift to the Saṅgha bears great fruit.”
what is given to the Saṅgha is very fruitful.”