sutta » sn » sn36 » Saṁyutta Nikāya 36.4

Translators: sujato

Linked Discourses 36.4

1. Sagāthāvagga
1. With Verses


The Abyss

“Assutavā, bhikkhave, puthujjano yaṁ vācaṁ bhāsati:
“Mendicants, when an unlearned ordinary person says that

‘atthi mahāsamudde pātālo’ti.
there’s a hellish abyss under the ocean,

Taṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, assutavā puthujjano asantaṁ avijjamānaṁ evaṁ vācaṁ bhāsati:
they’re speaking of something that doesn’t exist.

‘atthi mahāsamudde pātālo’ti.

Sārīrikānaṁ kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, dukkhānaṁ vedanānaṁ adhivacanaṁ yadidaṁ ‘pātālo’ti.
‘Hellish abyss’ is a term for painful physical feelings.

Assutavā, bhikkhave, puthujjano sārīrikāya dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati.
When an unlearned ordinary person experiences painful physical feelings they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ‘assutavā puthujjano pātāle na paccuṭṭhāsi, gādhañca nājjhagā’.
They’re called an unlearned ordinary person who hasn’t stood up in the hellish abyss and has gained no footing.

Sutavā ca kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako sārīrikāya dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno neva socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati.
When a learned noble disciple experiences painful physical feelings they don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ‘sutavā ariyasāvako pātāle paccuṭṭhāsi, gādhañca ajjhagā’ti.
They’re called a learned noble disciple who has stood up in the hellish abyss and gained a footing.

Yo etā nādhivāseti,
If you can’t abide

uppannā vedanā dukhā;
those painful physical feelings

Sārīrikā pāṇaharā,
that arise and sap your vitality;

yāhi phuṭṭho pavedhati.
if you tremble at their touch,

Akkandati parodati,
weeping and wailing,

dubbalo appathāmako;
a weakling lacking strength—

Na so pātāle paccuṭṭhāsi,
you won’t stand up in the hellish abyss

atho gādhampi nājjhagā.
and gain a footing.

Yo cetā adhivāseti,
If you can endure

uppannā vedanā dukhā;
those painful physical feelings

Sārīrikā pāṇaharā,
that arise and sap your vitality;

yāhi phuṭṭho na vedhati;
if you don’t tremble at their touch—

Sa ve pātāle paccuṭṭhāsi,
you stand up in the hellish abyss

atho gādhampi ajjhagā”ti.
and gain a footing.”
