sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 4.3

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 4.3

The Book of the Fours

Chapter One



“Pare ca na vijānanti,
Others don’t understand

mayamettha yamāmase;
that we need restraint in this.

Ye ca tattha vijānanti,
But those who do understand this,

tato sammanti medhagā.
being clever, settle their conflicts.

Yadā ca avijānantā,
And when those who don’t understand

iriyantyamarā viya;
behave as though they were immortal,

Vijānanti ca ye dhammaṁ,
those who understand the Dhamma

āturesu anāturā.
are like the healthy among the sick.

Yaṁ kiñci sithilaṁ kammaṁ,
Any lax act,

saṅkiliṭṭhañca yaṁ vataṁ;
any corrupt observance,

Saṅkassaraṁ brahmacariyaṁ,
or suspicious spiritual life,

na taṁ hoti mahapphalaṁ.
is not very fruitful.

Yassa sabrahmacārīsu,
Whoever has no respect

gāravo nūpalabbhati;
for their spiritual companions

Ārakā hoti saddhammā,
is as far from true Dhamma

nabhaṁ puthaviyā yathā”ti.
as the sky from the earth.

… Sabhiyo thero ….