sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 6.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 6.1

The Book of the Sixes

Chapter One



“Disvāna pāṭihīrāni,
Seeing the demonstrations

gotamassa yasassino;
of the renowned Gotama

Na tāvāhaṁ paṇipatiṁ,
was not enough for me to bow to him—

issāmānena vañcito.
I was blinded by jealousy and conceit.

Mama saṅkappamaññāya,
Knowing my thoughts,

codesi narasārathi;
the trainer of men scolded me.

Tato me āsi saṁvego,
I was struck with a sense of urgency,

abbhuto lomahaṁsano.
so astonishing and hair-raising!

Pubbe jaṭilabhūtassa,
Rejecting the petty powers

yā me siddhi parittikā;
I had before as a matted-hair ascetic,

Tāhaṁ tadā nirākatvā,
I then went forth

pabbajiṁ jinasāsane.
in the victor’s instruction.

Pubbe yaññena santuṭṭho,
I used to be content with sacrifice,

the realm of sensual pleasures was my priority.

Pacchā rāgañca dosañca,
But later I eradicated desire,

mohañcāpi samūhaniṁ.
and hatred and also delusion.

Pubbenivāsaṁ jānāmi,
I know my past lives;

dibbacakkhu visodhitaṁ;
my clairvoyance is clarified;

Iddhimā paracittaññū,
I have psychic powers, and know the minds of others;

dibbasotañca pāpuṇiṁ.
I have attained clairaudience.

Yassa catthāya pabbajito,
I’ve attained the goal

for the sake of which I went forth

So me attho anuppatto,
from the lay life to homelessness—

the ending of all fetters.

… Uruveḷakassapo thero ….