sutta » kn » thag » Theragāthā 7.1

Translators: sujato

Verses of the Senior Monks 7.1

The Book of the Sevens

Chapter One



“Alaṅkatā suvasanā,
Adorned with jewelry and all dressed up,

māladhārī vibhūsitā;
with her garland and her makeup on,

and her feet so brightly rouged:

pādukāruyha vesikā.
the courtesan was wearing sandals.

Pādukā oruhitvāna,
Stepping off her sandals in front of me,

purato pañjalīkatā;
her palms joined in greeting,

Sā maṁ saṇhena mudunā,
smiling, she spoke to me

mhitapubbaṁ abhāsatha.
so softly and so sweet:

Yuvāsi tvaṁ pabbajito,
“You’re too young to go forth—

tiṭṭhāhi mama sāsane;
come, stay in my teaching!

Bhuñja mānusake kāme,
Enjoy human sensual pleasures,

ahaṁ vittaṁ dadāmi te;
I’ll give you riches.

Saccaṁ te paṭijānāmi,
I promise this is the truth—

aggiṁ vā te harāmahaṁ.
I swear it by the Sacred Flame.

Yadā jiṇṇā bhavissāma,
And when we’ve grown old together,

ubho daṇḍaparāyanā;
both of us leaning on staffs,

Ubhopi pabbajissāma,
we shall both go forth,

ubhayattha kaṭaggaho.
and hold a perfect hand on both counts.”

Tañca disvāna yācantiṁ,
I saw the courtesan seducing me,

vesikaṁ pañjalīkataṁ;
her palms joined in greeting,

Alaṅkataṁ suvasanaṁ,
adorned with jewelry and all dressed up,

maccupāsaṁva oḍḍitaṁ.
like a snare of death laid down.

Tato me manasīkāro,
Then the realization

… pe
came upon me—

the danger became clear

nibbidā samatiṭṭhatha.
and I grew firmly disillusioned.

Tato cittaṁ vimucci me,
Then my mind was freed—

… pe
see the excellence of the Dhamma!

I’ve attained the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanan”ti.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

… Sundarasamuddo thero ….