sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.1

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.1

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Abhirūpanandā Abhirūpanandā

“Āturaṁ asuciṁ pūtiṁ,
“Nandā, see this body as diseased,
Nandā, see this bag of bones as

passa nande samussayaṁ;
impure, and rotten.
diseased, filthy, and rotten.

Asubhāya cittaṁ bhāvehi,
Cultivate awareness of the unattractive
With mind unified and serene,

ekaggaṁ susamāhitaṁ.
with a well-collected, one-pointed mind.
meditate on the ugly aspects of the body.

Animittañca bhāvehi,
Develop objectless meditation;
Meditate on the signless,

give up the underlying tendency toward conceit.
give up the underlying tendency to conceit;

Tato mānābhisamayā,
Once you fully understand conceit,
and when you comprehend conceit,

upasantā carissasī”ti.
you will walk in peace.”
you will live at peace.

Itthaṁ sudaṁ abhirūpanandā therī gāthāyo abhāsitthāti.
Thus the Bhagavant often exhorts the trainee Abhirūpanandā with these verses.
That is how the Buddha regularly advised the trainee nun Nandā with these verses.