sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 2.3

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 2.3

Chapter of the Twos
The Book of the Twos


Verses of the Elder Sumaṅgala’s Mother Sumaṅgala’s Mother

“Sumuttikā sumuttikā,
“Well released, well released,
I’m well freed, well freed,

Sādhumuttikāmhi musalassa;
I am well released and free from the pestle.
so very well freed from the pestle!

Ahiriko me chattakaṁ vāpi,
I am shielded from my shameless husband
My shameless husband popped up like a mushroom,

Ukkhalikā me deḍḍubhaṁ vāti.
and from the kettle that hisses like a water snake.
my mortar wafted like eels.

Rāgañca ahaṁ dosañca,
Hiss! Hiss! I destroy
Greed and hate sizzle and hiss

Cicciṭi cicciṭīti vihanāmi;
passion and aversion.
as I squelch them.

Sā rukkhamūlamupagamma,
Having gone to the root of a tree,
Having gone to the root of a tree,

Aho sukhanti sukhato jhāyāmī”ti.
‘O bliss!’ I happily meditate.”
I meditate happily, thinking, “Oh, what bliss!”

… Sumaṅgalamātā therī ….
The Elder Sumaṅgala’s Mother