sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 6.6

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 6.6

Chapter of the Sixes
The Book of the Sixes


Verses of the Elder Mahāpajāpati Gotamī Mahāpajāpati Gotamī

“Buddha vīra namo tyatthu,
“Homage to you, Buddha, Hero!
Oh Buddha, my hero: homage to you!

Best of all beings,
Supreme among all beings,

Yo maṁ dukkhā pamocesi,
who released me and many others
who released me from suffering,

aññañca bahukaṁ janaṁ.
from suffering.
and many other beings as well.

Sabbadukkhaṁ pariññātaṁ,
All suffering is fully understood,
All suffering is fully understood;

Hetutaṇhā visositā;
craving, its cause, has been made to wither,
craving—its cause—is dried up;

Bhāvito aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo,
the Eightfold Path has been developed,
the eightfold path has been developed;

Nirodho phusito mayā.
and I have attained cessation.
and cessation has been realized by me.

Mātā putto pitā bhātā,
In the past I was a mother, a child, a father, a brother,
Previously I was a mother, a son,

ayyakā ca pure ahuṁ;
and a grandmother.
a father, a brother, and a grandmother.

Blind to the truth,
Failing to grasp the true nature of things,

saṁsariṁhaṁ anibbisaṁ.
I returned again and again, never finding in the darkness what I sought.
I transmigrated without reward.

Diṭṭho hi me so bhagavā,
I have seen the Bhagavant—
Since I have seen the Blessed One,

antimoyaṁ samussayo;
indeed, this is my last body.
this bag of bones is my last.

Vikkhīṇo jātisaṁsāro,
Destroyed is rebirth in saṁsāra,
Transmigration through births is finished,

natthi dāni punabbhavo.
now there is no coming back to any state of being.
now there’ll be no more future lives.

Āraddhavīriye pahitatte,
See the disciples on the path—
I see the disciples in harmony,

Niccaṁ daḷhaparakkame;
established in energy, self-directed,
energetic and resolute,

Samagge sāvake passe,
always making a sincere effort:
always staunchly vigorous—

Esā buddhāna vandanā.
this is paying homage to the Buddhas!
this is homage to the Buddhas!

Bahūnaṁ vata atthāya,
Indeed, for the benefit of many beings,
It was truly for the benefit of many

Māyā janayi gotamaṁ;
Māyā gave birth to Gotama.
that Māyā gave birth to Gotama.

Sickness, death,
He swept away the mass of suffering

Dukkhakkhandhaṁ byapānudī”ti.
and the mass of suffering are vanquished.”
for those stricken by sickness and death.

… Mahāpajāpatigotamī therī ….
The Elder Mahāpajāpati Gotamī