sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 8.1

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 8.1

Chapter of the Eights
The Book of the Eights


Verses of the Elder Sīsūpacālā Sīsūpacālā

“Bhikkhunī sīlasampannā,
“I am a bhikkhunī with perfect morality,
“A nun accomplished in ethics,

indriyesu susaṁvutā;
with sense faculties well restrained;
her sense faculties well-restrained,

Adhigacche padaṁ santaṁ,
I attained the path of peace,
would realize the peaceful state,

sweet like nectar.”
so irresistible, delicious and nutritious.”

“Tāvatiṁsā ca yāmā ca,
“You used to dwell amongst the Tāvatiṃsa, Yāmā,
“There are the Gods of the Thirty-Three, <j>and those of Yama;

tusitā cāpi devatā;
and Tusitā Devas,
also the Joyful Deities,

Nimmānaratino devā,
the Nimmānarati Devas,
the Gods Who Love to Imagine,

ye devā vasavattino;
and the Vasavatti Devas.
and the Gods Who Control what is Imagined by Others.

Tattha cittaṁ paṇīdhehi,
Aspire the mind towards
Set your heart on such places,

yattha te vusitaṁ pure”.
where you dwelt formerly.”
where you used to live.”

“Tāvatiṁsā ca yāmā ca,
“The Tāvatiṃsa, Yāmā,
“The Gods of the Thirty-Three, <j>and those of Yama;

tusitā cāpi devatā;
and Tusitā Devas,
also the Joyful Deities,

Nimmānaratino devā,
the Nimmānarati Devas,
the Gods Who Love to Imagine,

ye devā vasavattino.
and the Vasavatti Devas—
and the Gods Who Control what is Imagined by Others—

Kālaṁ kālaṁ bhavābhavaṁ,
time after time, one existence after the other,
time after time, life after life,

sakkāyasmiṁ purakkhatā;
their first concern is themselves.
are governed by substantial reality.

Avītivattā sakkāyaṁ,
They have not gone beyond selfhood;
They haven’t transcended substantial reality,

they wander between birth and death.
those who transmigrate through birth and death.

Sabbo ādīpito loko,
The entire world is ablaze,
All the world is on fire,

sabbo loko padīpito;
the entire world is burning,
all the world is alight,

Sabbo pajjalito loko,
the entire world is in flames,
all the world is ablaze,

sabbo loko pakampito.
the entire world is shaking.
all the world is rocking.

Akampiyaṁ atuliyaṁ,
The unshakable, unmatched Dhamma,
The Buddha taught me the Dhamma,

not practiced by ordinary people,
unshakable, incomparable,

Buddho dhammamadesesi,
is what the Buddha taught,
not frequented by ordinary people;

tattha me nirato mano.
and that is what my mind enjoys.
my mind adores that place.

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
After I heard his words,
After hearing his words,

vihariṁ sāsane ratā;
I dwelled devoted to the teaching.
I happily did his bidding.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I obtained the three knowledges,
I’ve attained the three knowledges,

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ.
and completed the teaching of the Buddha.
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.

Sabbattha vihatā nandī,
In this way all fixation is annihilated,
Relishing is destroyed in every respect,

tamokhandho padālito;
the mass of darkness destroyed.
and the mass of darkness is shattered.

Evaṁ jānāhi pāpima,
Thus be aware, Wicked One,
So know this, Wicked One:

nihato tvamasi antaka”.
Death—you are destroyed!”
you’re beaten, terminator!”

… Sīsūpacālā therī ….
… The Elder Sīsūpacālā

Aṭṭhakanipāto niṭṭhito.
The Chapter of the Eights is finished.