sutta » kn » thig » Therīgāthā 9.1

Translators: soma and sujato

Verses of the Elder Bhikkhunīs Verses of the Senior Nuns 9.1

Chapter of the Nines
The Book of the Nines


Verses of the Elder Vaḍḍha’s Mother Vaḍḍha’s Mother

“Mā su te vaḍḍha lokamhi,
“Vaḍḍha, do not get caught
“Vaḍḍha, please never ever

vanatho āhu kudācanaṁ;
in the endless thicket of the world.
get entangled in the world.

Mā puttaka punappunaṁ,
Oh little child, do not take part in suffering
My child, do not partake

ahu dukkhassa bhāgimā.
again and again.
in suffering again and again.

Sukhañhi vaḍḍha munayo,
Vaḍḍha, the sages dwell easily,
For happy dwell the sages, Vaḍḍha,

anejā chinnasaṁsayā;
carefree and free from doubt.
unstirred, their doubts cut off,

Sītibhūtā damappattā,
They have become cool and tamed,
cooled and tamed,

viharanti anāsavā.
and abide free from influences.
and free of defilements.

Tehānuciṇṇaṁ isībhi,
That path walked by the seers
Vaḍḍha, foster the path

maggaṁ dassanapattiyā;
who have attained vision,
that the seers have walked,

leading to the end of suffering:
for the attainment of vision,

tvaṁ vaḍḍha anubrūhaya”.
Vaḍḍha, devote yourself to that!”
and for making an end of suffering.”

“Visāradāva bhaṇasi,
“Mother, you speak
“Mother, you speak with such assurance

etamatthaṁ janetti me;
from a place of self-confidence.
to me on this matter.

Maññāmi nūna māmike,
I suspect, mom,
My dear mom, I can’t help thinking

vanatho te na vijjati”.
there is no thicket to be found in you.”
that no entanglements are found in you.”

“Ye keci vaḍḍha saṅkhārā,
“Vaḍḍha, not even the slightest thicket,
“Vaḍḍha, not a jot or a skerrick

hīnā ukkaṭṭhamajjhimā;
based on any conditions,
of entanglement is found in me

Aṇūpi aṇumattopi,
whether inferior, superior, or in the middle,
for any conditions at all,

vanatho me na vijjati.
can be found in me.
whether low, high, or middling.

Sabbe me āsavā khīṇā,
I have destroyed all influences
All defilements are ended for me,

appamattassa jhāyato;
by meditating with heedfulness.
meditating and diligent.

Tisso vijjā anuppattā,
I obtained the three knowledges,
I’ve attained the three knowledges

kataṁ buddhassa sāsanaṁ”.
and completed the teaching of the Buddha.”
and fulfilled the Buddha’s instructions.”

“Uḷāraṁ vata me mātā,
“Surely, my mother
“Oh so excellent was the goad

patodaṁ samavassari;
spurred me with a noble goad,
my mother spurred me with!

Paramatthasañhitā gāthā,
with these compassionate verses,
Owing to her compassion, she spoke

yathāpi anukampikā.
of the highest benefit.
verses on the ultimate goal.

Tassāhaṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
After I heard her words,
On hearing her words,

anusiṭṭhiṁ janettiyā;
instructed by my mother,
advised by my mother,

I was met with a sense of urgency to practice the Dhamma
I was struck with righteous urgency

yogakkhemassa pattiyā.
for the attainment of safety from bondage.
for the sake of finding sanctuary from the yoke.

Sohaṁ padhānapahitatto,
With a mind bent upon striving,
Striving, resolute,

active by day and by night,
tireless all day and night,

Mātarā codito santo,
being exhorted by my mother,
urged on by my mother,

aphusiṁ santimuttamaṁ”.
I touched the highest peace.”
I realized supreme peace.

… Vaḍḍhamātā therī ….
… The Elder Vaḍḍha’s Mother

Navakanipāto niṭṭhito.
The Chapter of the Nines is finished.