sutta » kn » ud » vagga7 » Udāna 7.2

Translators: sujato

Heartfelt Sayings 7.2


Bhaddiya the Dwarf (2nd)

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā sāriputto āyasmantaṁ lakuṇḍakabhaddiyaṁ sekhaṁ maññamāno bhiyyoso mattāya anekapariyāyena dhammiyā kathāya sandasseti samādapeti samuttejeti sampahaṁseti.
Now at that time Venerable Sāriputta was educating, encouraging, firing up, and inspiring Venerable Bhaddiya the Dwarf in even more ways with a Dhamma talk, thinking that he was still a trainee.

Addasā kho bhagavā āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ āyasmantaṁ lakuṇḍakabhaddiyaṁ sekhaṁ maññamānaṁ bhiyyoso mattāya anekapariyāyena dhammiyā kathāya sandassentaṁ samādapentaṁ samuttejentaṁ sampahaṁsentaṁ.
The Buddha saw what was happening.

Atha kho bhagavā etamatthaṁ viditvā tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ udānaṁ udānesi:
Then, understanding this matter, on that occasion the Buddha expressed this heartfelt sentiment:

“Acchecchi vaṭṭaṁ byagā nirāsaṁ,
“They’ve cut the cycle, gone to the wishless;

Visukkhā saritā na sandati;
the streams are dried, they flow no more.

Chinnaṁ vaṭṭaṁ na vattati,
Cut, the cycle no longer turns.

Esevanto dukkhassā”ti.
Just this is the end of suffering.”
