sutta » mn » Index of mn

MN1 Mūlapariyāyasutta The Root of All Things

MN2 Sabbāsavasutta All the Defilements

MN3 Dhammadāyādasutta Heirs in the Teaching

MN4 Bhayabheravasutta Fear and Dread

MN5 Anaṅgaṇasutta Unblemished

MN6 Ākaṅkheyyasutta One Might Wish

MN7 Vatthasutta The Simile of the Cloth

MN8 Sallekhasutta SelfEffacement

MN9 Sammādiṭṭhisutta Right View

MN10 Satipaṭṭhānasutta Mindfulness Meditation

MN11 Cūḷasīhanādasutta The Shorter Discourse on the Lions Roar

MN12 Mahāsīhanādasutta The Longer Discourse on the Lions Roar

MN13 Mahādukkhakkhandhasutta The Longer Discourse on the Mass of Suffering

MN14 Cūḷadukkhakkhandhasutta The Shorter Discourse on the Mass of Suffering

MN15 Anumānasutta Measuring Up

MN16 Cetokhilasutta Emotional Barrenness

MN17 Vanapatthasutta Jungle Thickets

MN18 Madhupiṇḍikasutta The HoneyCake

MN19 Dvedhāvitakkasutta Two Kinds of Thought

MN20 Vitakkasaṇṭhānasutta How to Stop Thinking

MN21 Kakacūpamasutta The Simile of the Saw

MN22 Alagaddūpamasutta The Simile of the Cobra

MN23 Vammikasutta The Termite Mound

MN24 Rathavinītasutta Chariots at the Ready

MN25 Nivāpasutta Sowing

MN26 Pāsarāsisutta The Noble Quest

MN27 Cūḷahatthipadopamasutta The Shorter Simile of the Elephants Footprint

MN28 Mahāhatthipadopamasutta The Longer Simile of the Elephants Footprint

MN29 Mahāsāropamasutta The Longer Simile of the Heartwood

MN30 Cūḷasāropamasutta The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood

MN31 Cūḷagosiṅgasutta The Shorter Discourse at Gosiṅga

MN32 Mahāgosiṅgasutta The Longer Discourse at Gosiṅga

MN33 Mahāgopālakasutta The Longer Discourse on the Cowherd

MN34 Cūḷagopālakasutta The Shorter Discourse on the Cowherd

MN35 Cūḷasaccakasutta The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka

MN36 Mahāsaccakasutta The Longer Discourse With Saccaka

MN37 Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhayasutta The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving

MN38 Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving

MN39 Mahāassapurasutta The Longer Discourse at Assapura

MN40 Cūḷaassapurasutta The Shorter Discourse at Assapura

MN41 Sāleyyakasutta The People of Sālā

MN42 Verañjakasutta The People of Verañjā

MN43 Mahāvedallasutta The Great Elaboration

MN44 Cūḷavedallasutta The Shorter Elaboration

MN45 Cūḷadhammasamādānasutta The Shorter Discourse on Taking Up Practices

MN46 Mahādhammasamādānasutta The Great Discourse on Taking Up Practices

MN47 Vīmaṁsakasutta The Inquirer

MN48 Kosambiyasutta The Mendicants of Kosambī

MN49 Brahmanimantanikasutta On the Invitation of Brahmā

MN50 Māratajjanīyasutta The Rebuke of Māra

MN51 Kandarakasutta With Kandaraka

MN52 Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta The Wealthy Citizen

MN53 Sekhasutta A Trainee

MN54 Potaliyasutta With Potaliya the Householder

MN55 Jīvakasutta With Jīvaka

MN56 Upālisutta With Upāli

MN57 Kukkuravatikasutta The Ascetic Who Behaved Like a Dog

MN58 Abhayarājakumārasutta With Prince Abhaya

MN59 Bahuvedanīyasutta The Many Kinds of Feeling

MN60 Apaṇṇakasutta Unfailing

MN61 Ambalaṭṭhikarāhulovādasutta Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhika

MN62 Mahārāhulovādasutta The Longer Advice to Rāhula

MN63 Cūḷamālukyasutta The Shorter Discourse With Māluṅkyaputta

MN64 Mahāmālukyasutta The Longer Discourse With Māluṅkya

MN65 Bhaddālisutta With Bhaddāli

MN66 Laṭukikopamasutta The Simile of the Quail

MN67 Cātumasutta At Cātumā

MN68 Naḷakapānasutta At Naḷakapāna

MN69 Goliyānisutta With Gulissāni

MN70 Kīṭāgirisutta At Kīṭāgiri

MN71 Tevijjavacchasutta To Vacchagotta on the Three Knowledges

MN72 Aggivacchasutta With Vacchagotta on Fire

MN73 Mahāvacchasutta The Longer Discourse With Vacchagotta

MN74 Dīghanakhasutta With Dīghanakha

MN75 Māgaṇḍiyasutta With Māgaṇḍiya

MN76 Sandakasutta With Sandaka

MN77 Mahāsakuludāyisutta The Longer Discourse with Sakuludāyī

MN78 Samaṇamuṇḍikasutta With Uggāhamāna Samaṇamaṇḍikāputta

MN79 Cūḷasakuludāyisutta The Shorter Discourse With Sakuludāyī

MN80 Vekhanasasutta With Vekhanasa

MN81 Ghaṭikārasutta With Ghaṭīkāra

MN82 Raṭṭhapālasutta With Raṭṭhapāla

MN83 Maghadevasutta About King Maghadeva

MN84 Madhurasutta At Madhurā

MN85 Bodhirājakumārasutta With Prince Bodhi

MN86 Aṅgulimālasutta With Aṅgulimāla

MN87 Piyajātikasutta Born From the Beloved

MN88 Bāhitikasutta The Imported Cloth

MN89 Dhammacetiyasutta Shrines to the Teaching

MN90 Kaṇṇakatthalasutta At Kaṇṇakatthala

MN91 Brahmāyusutta With Brahmāyu

MN92 Selasutta With Sela

MN93 Assalāyanasutta With Assalāyana

MN94 Ghoṭamukhasutta With Ghoṭamukha

MN95 Caṅkīsutta With Caṅkī

MN96 Esukārīsutta With Esukārī

MN97 Dhanañjānisutta With Dhanañjāni

MN98 Vāseṭṭhasutta With Vāseṭṭha

MN99 Subhasutta With Subha

MN100 Saṅgāravasutta With Saṅgārava

MN101 Devadahasutta At Devadaha

MN102 Pañcattayasutta The Five and Three

MN103 Kintisutta Is This What You Think Of Me

MN104 Sāmagāmasutta At Sāmagāma

MN105 Sunakkhattasutta With Sunakkhatta

MN106 Āneñjasappāyasutta Conducive to the Imperturbable

MN107 Gaṇakamoggallānasutta With Moggallāna the Accountant

MN108 Gopakamoggallānasutta With Moggallāna the Guardian

MN109 Mahāpuṇṇamasutta The Longer Discourse on the FullMoon Night

MN110 Cūḷapuṇṇamasutta The Shorter Discourse on the FullMoon Night

MN111 Anupadasutta One by One

MN112 Chabbisodhanasutta The Sixfold Purification

MN113 Sappurisasutta A True Person

MN114 Sevitabbāsevitabbasutta What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated

MN115 Bahudhātukasutta Many Elements

MN116 Isigilisutta At Isigili

MN117 Mahācattārīsakasutta The Great Forty

MN118 Ānāpānassatisutta Mindfulness of Breathing

MN119 Kāyagatāsatisutta Mindfulness of the Body

MN120 Saṅkhārupapattisutta Rebirth by Choice

MN121 Cūḷasuññatasutta The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness

MN122 Mahāsuññatasutta The Longer Discourse on Emptiness

MN123 Acchariyaabbhutasutta Incredible and Amazing

MN124 Bākulasutta With Bakkula

MN125 Dantabhūmisutta The Level of the Tamed

MN126 Bhūmijasutta With Bhūmija

MN127 Anuruddhasutta With Anuruddha

MN128 Upakkilesasutta Corruptions

MN129 Bālapaṇḍitasutta The Foolish and the Astute

MN130 Devadūtasutta Messengers of the Gods

MN131 Bhaddekarattasutta One Fine Night

MN132 Ānandabhaddekarattasutta Ānanda and One Fine Night

MN133 Mahākaccānabhaddekarattasutta Mahākaccāna and One Fine Night

MN134 Lomasakaṅgiyabhaddekarattasutta Lomasakaṅgiya and One Fine Night

MN135 Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta The Shorter Analysis of Deeds

MN136 Mahākammavibhaṅgasutta The Longer Analysis of Deeds

MN137 Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields

MN138 Uddesavibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of a Recitation Passage

MN139 Araṇavibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of NonConflict

MN140 Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of the Elements

MN141 Saccavibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of the Truths

MN142 Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅgasutta The Analysis of Religious Donations

MN143 Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika

MN144 Channovādasutta Advice to Channa

MN145 Puṇṇovādasutta Advice to Puṇṇa

MN146 Nandakovādasutta Advice from Nandaka

MN147 Cūḷarāhulovādasutta The Shorter Advice to Rāhula

MN148 Chachakkasutta Six By Six

MN149 Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields

MN150 Nagaravindeyyasutta With the People of Nagaravinda

MN151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhisutta The Purification of Alms

MN152 Indriyabhāvanāsutta The Development of the Faculties